Funerary Portrait

Funerary Portrait

1st - 2nd century

Tempera on wood
16 5/16 x 8 1/2 in. (41.4 x 21.6 cm)
Eugene Fuller Memorial Collection
Provenance: (Possibly from Mazghuna, Egypt); [Paul Mallon, Cairo/New York]; purchased by Seattle Art Museum (with funds from Eugene Fuller Memorial Collection), February 7, 1950
Now on view at the Seattle Art Museum


Exhibition HistoryDetroit, Michigan, Detroit Institute of Arts, Mummy Portraits from Roman Egypt, 1967; no. 9. p. 17, 18

Vancouver, British Columbia, University of British Columbia, Museum of Anthropology, Greek and Roman Life in Miniature, February 15 - March 31, 1977

Published ReferencesHandbook, Seattle Art Museum: Selected Works from the Permanent Collections, Seattle, WA: Seattle Art Museum, 1951, p. 109 (b&w)

Seattle Art Museum Guild Engagement Calendar, 1953, No. 47

Zaloscer, Hilde, Portrats aus dem Wustensand, Die Mumienbildnisse aus der Oase Fayum, (Vienna - Munich, 1961), p. 66

KLSN Program and Fine Arts Guide, Preview, (March 1962), p. 13

Parlasca, Klaus, Mumienportraits und Verwandte Denkmäler (Berlin, 1966), Pl. 39, 1, P. 40

Detroit Institute of Arts' Catalogue, Mummy Portraits from Roman Egypt, p. 18 # 9 (1967)

Thompson, David L., Four 'Fayum Portraits' in the Getty Museum, in The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal, Vol. 2 (1975), pp. 85-92 (included in inventory, p. 92)

Parlasca, Klaus, Ritratti di Mummie, Repertorio d'arte dell'Egitto greco-romano, Serie B, Vol II, Rome, 1977, no. 487

Berger, Jacques-Edouard and Creux, R., L'Oeil and L'Eternite Portraits Romains D'Egypte, Paudex: 1977, pp. 80, 183, 218

Teeter, Emily, Egyptian Art in the Collection of the Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, WA: Seattle Art Museum, 1988, no. 17, p. 26

Teeter, Emily. "Ancient Art of the Mediterranean and the Near East." In Selected Works, pp. 29-32. Seattle: Seattle Art Museum, 1991; p. 29, reproduced.

Wenke, Robert J. "Patterns in Prehistory" Oxford University Press, Oxford 1996

Teeter, Emily, The Egyptian Collection of the Seattle Art Museum, in KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt, Vol. 12, No. 3, Fall 2001, illus. p. 29

Matheson, Susan B. and J. J. Pollitt. Old Age in Greek and Roman Art. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2022; app. 48.

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