Madonna and Child

Madonna and Child

c. 1514

Albrecht Dürer

German, Nuremberg 1471-1528

Pen and ink
7 1/16 x 5 1/8 in. (18 x 13 cm)
LeRoy M. Backus Collection
Provenance: Sir Thomas Lawrence (Lugt 2445); Charles Sackville Bale (Lugt 640); William Mitchell (Lugt 2638); Grossgerzog von Weimar; L. Rosenthal, Bern; LeRoy M. Backus collection (1879-1948), Seattle, Washington; bequest from Mr. Backus to Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, Washington, 1952
Not currently on view


Exhibition HistoryLondon, England, Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1869.

Bremen, Germany, Kunsthalle, Die Kunst Albrecht Dürer, 1911. Text by Gustav Pauli. Cat. no. 741.

San Francisco, California, California Palace of the Legion of Honor, 1941.

New York, New York, Schaeffer Galleries, Master Drawings 15th to the 19th Century, Apr. 1941. Cat. no. 14, reproduced.

Portland, Oregon, Portland Art Museum, 1946.

New York, New York, Schaeffer Galleries, The Backus Collection at the Schaeffer Galleries, Nov. 1948.

Seattle, Washington, Seattle Art Museum, Le Roy M. Backus Memorial Collection, 1952.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Dürer in America: His Graphic Work, 1971.

San Francisco, California, The California Palace of the Legion of Honor, Albrecht Dürer: A Cinquecentennial Exhibition of His Graphic Work, 1971.

Los Angeles, California, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Old Master Drawings from American Collections, Apr. 29 - June 13, 1976.

Seattle, Washington, Seattle Art Museum, Dürer, Rembrandt, and Goya: Old Masters Prints from the Seattle Art Museum Collection, May 31, 2001 - Jan. 1, 2002.
Published ReferencesSales Cat., Sir Thos. Lawrence, Christie's, London, 1830, no. 12.

Cat. of an Exhibition in the Burlington Fine Arts Club, "Albrecht Dürer and Lucas van Leyden," London 1869, no. 135

Sales Cat. of the Bale Collection, Christie's, London 1881, part VI, no. 2279

Ephrussi. "Albrecht Dürer et ses Dessins," Paris: 1882, pp. 189-190

Lippmann, F. "Zeichnungen von Albrecht Dürer." Berline: 1883-1929, vol. I, p. 17, no. 77, pl. 77

Sales Cat. Collection William Mitchell, P.A.C. Prestel, Frankfurt/M 1890, no. 18

Heidrich, E. "Geschichte des Dürerschen Marienbildes." Leipzig: 1906, p. 99.

Flechsig, E. "Albrecht Dürer." Berlin: 1931, vol. II, p. 286, no. 846.

Tietze, H. "Kritisches Verzeichnis der Werke Albrecht Durers." Basle and Leipzig: 1937, vol. II, part I, p. 100, no. 602, pl. 252.

Winkler, Friedrich, "Die Zeignungen Albrecht Dürer's," (Berlin, 1938), ed. III, p. 21/22, no. 548 (Sitzende Maria mit Kind).

Pauli No. 741.

Panofsky, Erwin. "The Life and Art of Albrecht Dürer," 3rd ed., 2 vols. Princeton: 1943 (4th ed., 1955, text illustrations and revision without handlist; same pagination as 3rd ed, vol I), vol. II, no. 674.

Seattle Art Museum. "Le Roy M. Backus Memorial Collection." Seattle: Seattle Art Museum, 1952, no. 8, reproduced (also on cover).

Werner, A. "Albrecht Dürer," in American ARtist (Dec. 1962), p. 45.

Talbot, Charles W. Gallard F. Ravenel, Jay A. Levenson, "Dürer in America - His Graphic Work," (1971), National Gallery of Art cat., pp. 68-70, no. XIX illustrated, including verso.

Troche, E. Gunter, "Albrecht Dürer Graphic Master," Achenbach Foundation of Graphic Arts, California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, (1971) pamphlet (cat., not illustrated), no. 2.

Strauss, Walter L. "The Complete Drawings of Albrecht Dürer," 6 vols, New York 1974, (complete cat.rais.), Vol. III, repr. p. 1412.

Ebria Feinblatt, "Old Master Drawings from American Collections," Los Angeles County Museum of Art, in association with Allanheld & Schram, New York, 1976, pp. 150-151; cat. no. 174, p. 158, pl. 174.

Mandowsky, Edna. Old Master Drawings: Seattle Art Museum Collection Guide. Seattle, Washington: Seattle Art Museum, 1980; cat. no. 2, p. 18, reproduced p. 5 [as "After Albrecht Dürer"].

Oehler, Lisa and Vivian Endicott Barnett. "Letters." Master Drawings vol. 37, no. 3 (Autumn 1999): pp. 309-311, reproduced fig. 3.

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