

Giulio da Urbino

Italian, Rimini, active 1533-41

Depicted on the left before sacrificial altars, Cain, a farmer, has brought an offering from his crops. God the Father is seen bursting from the clouds, rejecting Cain's sacrifice in favor of his brother Abel's offering of the first offspring of his flock. On the right, jealous over his rejection by God, Cain raises his axe to kill Abel.

1 1/4 x 10 7/8 in. (3.2 x 27.6 cm)
Eugene Fuller Memorial Collection
Provenance: [David Benzaria, New York, NY]; purchased from Mr. Benzaria by Seattle Art Museum (Eugene Fuller Memorial Collection), January 1957
Now on view at the Seattle Art Museum


Published References"Selected Works." Seattle, WA: Seattle Art Museum, 1991, p. 91

Dora Thornton, “An allegory of the Sack of Rome by Giulio da Urbino”, Apollo, June 1999, 11.

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