Jain dancing girl

Jain dancing girl

ca. 11th century

This bracket probably once decorated the upper portion of a pillar in a lavishly ornamented temple. Twisting in space so that her body seems to revolve around a spiral axis running from her foot to her head, this dancer's joyous movements were intended to honor the divinities of the temple in perpetuity. Her downward gaze reflects her original position near the ceiling of the temple interior, indicating that the proper vantage point for viewing the composition is from below and slightly to the left.
36 7/8 x 11 x 7 in. (93.66 x 27.94 x 17.78 cm)
Overall h.: 39 5/8 in.
Eugene Fuller Memorial Collection
Not currently on view


Exhibition HistoryLos Angeles, California, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, "The Peaceful Liberators: Jain Art From India", October 30, 1994 - January 15, 1995, (10/30/94-1/15/95); Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas, 2/23-5/14/95; New Orleans Museum of Art, 6/29-9/17/95; Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 11/22/95-2/18/96, (10/1994 - 2/1996)

Tacoma, Washington, Tacoma Art Museum, inaugural exhibition, 1971

Minneapolis, Minnesota, University of Minnesota, University Gallery, "Art of India: Sculpture and Miniature Paintings," 1969

Montreal, Canada, International Fine Arts Exhibition, Expo '67, "Man and His World," 1967

Portland, Oregon, Portland Art Museum, "Gift to a City: Masterworks from the Eugene Fuller Memorial Collection in the Seattle Art Museum", 1965, cat. # 77

Published References"Gift to a City" exhibition catalogue. Portland, OR: Portland Art Museum, 1965, cat. no. 77

"Selected Works." Seattle, WA: Seattle Art Museum, 1991, p. 149

Rogers, Millard B. "Recent Acquisitions of the Seattle Art Museum," in Archaeology, Vol. 17, no. 4, December 1964, pp. 262-269, illus. (b&w) 266

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